Adrenaline Mode is a gameplay feature in the Tomb Raider series, specifically appearing in Legend Timeline. The adrenaline mode takes the form of the Aerial attack. Lara must lock onto an enemy, and jump on them, this will stagger them and put the game into slow motion. This will give Lara an oppourtunity to kill the enemy, and any surrounding enemies around them. There is no limit to how. Tomb Raider: Underworld Cheats. A nice transfer of the TR experience, except it's nearly impossible to see the action on screen, so expect to die a lot. Mar 06, 2009 For Tomb Raider: Underworld on the Xbox 360, Guide and Walkthrough by rikku4788. Kill the bats that fly out from behind the corner and jump to the nearest. NOTE: If you are playing the PC game, you must download and install the Tomb Raider: Underworld PC Patch in order to remap the mouse buttons or use the 'Center Camera' control. ON-SCREEN DISPLAY When gameplay resumes after reloading, when you draw weapons, or whenever Lara is injured, whether in combat or from falling, fire, etc., the on-screen. Adrenaline Mode is a gameplay feature in the Tomb Raider series, specifically appearing in Legend Timeline. The adrenaline mode takes the form of the Aerial attack. Lara must lock onto an enemy, and jump on them, this will stagger them and put the game into slow motion. This will give Lara an oppourtunity to kill the enemy, and any surrounding enemies around them. There is no limit to how many.

Tomb Raider: Underworld Controls & Gameplay Notes

Tomb Raider Underworld Outfits

Updated: 1/3/16()

The following lists basic controls, as well as complex moves involving combinations of keys, and controls for combat, swimming and the all-terrain motorbike. (Follow this link for PDF manuals for all the games.)

Information about the On-Screen Display (including health and adrenaline meters), PDA/Inventory, Weapons/Ammunition, Difficulty Levels and Player Tailoring, Saving/Loading and Checkpoints is at the bottom of the page. Treasures, Relics and Unlockable Content, Xbox 360 Achievements and PS3 Trophies are covered on a separate page.

The PC game allows you to customize the controls to suit your taste. Just go to the Game Options menu (the gears icon at the top left of the main menu), select Control Configuration or Gamepad Configuration, then follow the instructions on screen.

If you're new to the game, be sure to enable Training Text and Helper Buttons in the Game Options menu. This provides on-screen tutorial text as you progress through the early levels.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PC GAMERS: If you are playing the computer game, be sure to download and install the Tomb Raider: Underworld PC Patch, which allows players to remap the mouse buttons, enables the Center Camera control and also fixes several bugs. Also, note that the printed manual (at least the one for the first North American edition) lists several incorrect controls. Refer to the list below or the in-game menu for an accurate list.

Basic Moves


(PC/PS2 & 3/Xbox 360/Wii)


Run Forward/

Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

(See the note on Camera & Movement Controls, below.)


Alt + W/A/S/D
Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

Keyboard: Hold Alt and press direction keys/buttons to walk. Controller: Press lightly on the left stick to walk; press firmly to run. Lara will step off edges whether walking or running.
New in Underworld: The Wii game also has an intermediate speed, jogging, which happens when you press the control stick halfway.


Shift + W/A/S/D
L1 + Left Stick
LB + Left Stick

New in Underworld: Hold the Sprint key or button along with the directional keys or Left Stick to sprint. Lara will sprint for quite a distance, but eventually she'll tire and have to slow to a normal run for a while to recover.


Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

Only possible when Lara is perching on top of a post or narrow column.


Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

New in Underworld: Only possible when Lara is standing on a narrow ledge with her back to a wall.



Makes Lara jump straight up. Where there is something for her to grab, she'll grab it automatically. More complex jumps are covered under Combination Moves, below.

Pick Up Object


Similar to 'Action' in TR 1-6 except not needed to grab ledges, etc., since Lara now grabs automatically. Interact is used to manipulate switches and levers, grab movable objects, pick up objects on the ground, smash breakable objects, etc. Also used in conjunction with movement keys to climb/swim faster, for the saving grab (below), and in various Combat maneuvers (below).
In the Wii game, some switches are operated by first pressing Interact, then using the remote and nunchuk to pull. (Raise the two controllers with your thumbs pointing toward each other. Then move them downward as though pulling a switch.)

Drop Object


Same as Crouch/Duck, below.

Throw Object

Caps Lock
R2 (PS2) or R1 (PS3)

New in Underworld: When Lara is holding an object, such as one of the small carved blocks, press this control to toss it in front of her. In the PC/PS3/Xbox games, this is the same control as for Grenades (detailed under Combat, below).

Manual Grab


Not available in Underworld, except when climbing ladders. To climb down faster, press Crouch to let go, then quickly press Interact to manually grab onto the ladder lower down.

Saving Grab/
Safety Grab


Same key as Interact, above. Lara will grab most edges automatically when she jumps or falls. Occasionally, if she has to jump especially far or at an odd angle, she'll grab using only one hand. When this happens a warning icon appears (if you have Helper Buttons enabled in the Game Options menu). Quickly press Interact to grab with both hands; otherwise Lara will fall. On the Wii, shake the nunchuk to do a saving grab.

Let Go and Drop


Used alone, Lara will duck or crouch. Hold Crouch and use the direction keys/buttons or Left Stick to creep forward. Press Crouch once to make Lara let go if she is hanging. If there is a handhold below, she'll grab it automatically. Also used in several of the Combination Moves described below.

Recenter Camera/
Rotate Camera

Click Left Stick/Right Stick
Click Left Stick/Right Stick
C/Wii Remote
(or Control Pad)

The first control resets the camera behind Lara. To adjust the camera angle, use the mouse (PC) or right analog stick (PlayStation/Xbox). On the Wii, tap C to center the camera behind Lara. Hold C and move the Wii Remote to aim the camera. Or, use the control pad to move the camera.
The camera moves independently of Lara, so there is no separate 'Look' key. (See the note on Camera & Movement Controls, below.)
IMPORTANT: PC users must download and install the Underworld Patch in order to enable this control. You'll also need to reassign the key, since the default, Q, is the same as the Grapple key.

Lara's Gear

Use Medipack

D-Pad Up
D-Pad Up

There is only one size health pack in Underworld, comparable to the large medipak in previous games. The Wii game contains no health items. (For more info on health and healing, see the On-Screen Display and PDA/Inventory sections below.)



Use of the grapple is covered in detail under Combination Moves, below.

Utility Light

D-Pad Left
D-Pad Left

Press this key to turn the Utility Light on and off. Like the PLS in Legend, it is mounted on Lara's backpack strap, so you must move Lara in order to aim it.
NOTE: Although it's listed in the inventory, there appears to be no flashlight in the Wii game.

Field Camera

T/H...G or
Left Mouse...Right Mouse
D-Pad Down/R2...L2
D-Pad Down/RT...LT

Lara's hand-held video camera functions like the binoculars in previous games. By activating it, you can scan your surroundings for features of interest. The first control is for turning the camera on and off. The other controls are for zooming in and out. These are the same as the Fire and Target Lock keys.

Access PDA


Press this button to go to the main PDA menu. From there you can access sub-menus to view inventory, select secondary weapon, etc. These are covered in detail under PDA/Inventory, below.

Multi-Tool (Wii only)


Press Interact when standing near one of the Wii-specific puzzles in the game in order to use the multi-tool. Its function varies depending on the puzzle, from pliers to compressed air nozzle to acetylene torch.

Combination Moves

Push/Pull Object

E + W/A/S/D
Triangle + Left Stick
Y + Left Stick
(-) + Control Stick

To grab a movable object, position Lara against it and press Interact to grab and hold on. Then use the direction keys/buttons (or control stick) to move the object. Tap Interact again (or Crouch) to let go.

Jump/Running Jump

W/A/S/D + Space
Left Stick + X
Left Stick + A
Control Stick + A

Press the directional key (or press on the Left Stick) in the direction you want Lara to go and simultaneously press Jump. Or, for a longer jump, start Lara running in the desired direction and then press Jump. Holding Jump keeps Lara in the air a little longer. (See the note on Camera & Movement Controls, below.)

Sprinting Jump

Shift + W/A/S/D + Space
L1 + Left Stick + X
LB + Left Stick + A

New in Underworld: For an extra-long jump, hold the Sprint key plus directionals or Left Stick, then press Jump.

Safety Drop

Left Stick
Left Stick

Whenever Lara runs or steps off an edge that can be grabbed, she will automatically grab it. There is no need to press a separate key to hang on.


Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

When Lara is hanging from a ledge or other handhold, use the direction keys/buttons (or stick) to move laterally. (See the note on Camera & Movement Controls, below.)

Vault or Pull Up/
Let Go and Drop


To vault up onto a ledge from which Lara is hanging, or to jump up and grab a higher ledge or handhold, tap Jump. To let go and drop, press Crouch. If there's a handhold below, she'll grab it automatically.

Pull Up into Handstand


When hanging from a ledge, press and hold Jump to make Lara pull up onto the ledge into a graceful handstand walkover. This takes a bit longer than the normal vault upward, but it's fun to watch.

Jump and Grab (while climbing)

W/A/S/D + Space
Left Stick + X
Left Stick + A
Control Stick + A

When Lara is climbing, to jump a gap and grab a handhold on the other side, climb as far as possible in the desired direction. Continue pressing the direction key (or stick). Lara will lean out in that direction. Press Jump and she'll leap and automatically grab. To jump straight up and grab a higher handhold, just press Jump. If there's a handhold above, she'll grab it automatically. (See the note on Camera & Movement Controls, below.)

Chimney Jump/
Wall Jump

W/A/S/D + Space
Left Stick + X
Left Stick + A
Control Stick + A

New in Underworld: This maneuver is used to climb up a narrow alcove or between closely spaced walls or pillars. Stand facing one wall with the other behind Lara. Jump toward the wall. Then, just as Lara touches it, press Jump again to spring back toward the wall behind her. Quickly press Jump in time with Lara's movements to leap from the wall to wall, gaining a little height each time. (This move is covered in detail, with screenshots, in the sections of the walkthrough where it is used.)

Climbing Vertical Poles

Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

Lara will automatically grab a vertical pole or column when she runs or jumps toward it. Once she's hanging on, use direction keys/buttons (or Left Stick) to climb up and down or to pivot left and right. Jumping off or letting go, is the same as for climbing, above.

Climbing and Swinging on Horizontal Poles

Left Stick...X
Left Stick...A
Control Stick...A

When Lara is hanging from a horizontal pole, use the direction keys/buttons (or Left Stick) to move hand-over-hand laterally or to swing around the pole. While swinging, press Jump just as Lara passes the lowest point in the rotation to leap off.
New in Underworld: While hanging motionless, press Jump to pull up onto the bar and squat. Then, press Jump + Forward to leap from the pole, or use the direction keys/buttons or control stick walk along the top of the bar. Press Crouch to drop down.

Balance Beams

Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

New in Underworld: Lara can now pull up and walk along horizontal poles and narrow beams. Use Jump to pull up, direction keys/buttons or left stick to walk along the beam, Crouch to drop and hang. While walking along a beam, press Sprint to move faster, press Jump to leap forward, or Crouch to do a gymnastic walkover. If Lara loses her balance, release the direction keys/buttons or left stick momentarily and she'll right herself.

Climb Faster


While climbing along a ledge, vertical or horizontal pole, or ladder, tap Interact in time with Lara's movements to make her climb faster. On the Wii, snap the nunchuk repeatedly in the direction Lara is climbing (i.e., up and down or left to right) to climb faster.

Climbing Ladders

Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

To climb a ladder, just approach it and press the Up direction key or press upward on the left control stick. Use direction keys/stick to climb up, down and side to side. To climb faster, tap Interact as you go. To let go and drop, press Crouch. Or press Jump in combination with direction keys/buttons or control stick to leap off the ladder toward another grabbable object. (For rapid descent, see Manual Grab, above.)

Forward Roll/

W/A/S/D + Ctrl
Left Stick + Circle
Left Stick + B
Control Stick + (-)

While running, tap Crouch to do a somersault.

Handsprings, Somersaults & Other Acrobatic Maneuvers


Along with the basics, Lara can perform a number of gymnastic feats using different combinations of basic movement keys. These aren't necessary to gameplay, but they're fun to do. Until I am able to make an updated list for Underworld, check out H4RR7H's excellent video tutorial, or see the Legend Acrobatic Moves page and experiment on your own.



Lara's grapple can attach to certain objects in the environment. If you have Hint Icons enabled in the Options menu, you'll see the Grapple icon over an object that can be grappled. Press the grapple key to fire the grapple. Generally, Lara will automatically aim at the nearest viable target. Once the grapple is anchored, you can move as usual using direction keys/buttons (or Left Stick). Press Interact (or Z on the Wii) to pull on the cable. Press Grapple again to release the cable.

Grapple-swing or
Wall Run

Q + Space + W/A/S/D
Square + X + Left Stick
A + X + Left Stick
B + A + Control Stick

In certain areas where there are rings mounted on the ceiling, Lara can use her grapple to swing across gaps. To do this, grapple the ring while standing at the edge of the gap. Then, with the grapple attached, jump forward into the gap. While hanging from the cable, position the camera behind Lara, then press and hold Forward to swing back and forth. The longer you hold the key, the higher she'll swing. Press Jump to leap off or press Crouch to let go and fall.
Wall running with the grapple is similar. Grappling the ring and jumping into the gap, as described above. Instead of swinging through the air, Lara braces her feet against the wall. You can then climb up or down the cable by pressing Interact (Z on the Wii) + Forward/Back if necessary. Then start running from side to side by pressing Left and Right alternatively. As Lara runs back and forth, she builds momentum. When she's running high enough, press Jump plus the direction you want her to go. When doing a perpendicular jump (i.e., straight off the wall rather than to either side) at the end of a wall run, it helps to release the direction controls briefly before pressing the desired direction + Jump.

Climb and Pivot (when hanging from cable)

E + W/A/S/D
Triangle + Left Stick
Y + Left Stick
(-) + Control Stick

When Lara is hanging from the grapple cable, hold Interact (or Z on the Wii) then press Forward/Back or Left/Right (or use the control stick to climb up and down or pivot.

Rappel (when hanging from cable)

E + W/A/S/D
Triangle + Left Stick
Y + Left Stick
(-) + Control Stick

New in Underworld: If you're starting at the top of the wall, grapple the ring and then step off the edge. If you're starting at the bottom, stand facing the wall and adjust the camera so the ring is visible. Then fire the grapple to catch the ring. Once the grapple is anchored, move toward the wall and jump up. Once Lara is hanging from the cable with her feet braced against the wall, hold Interact (Z on the Wii) and press Forward/Back to climb up or down.


Target Lock

Right Mouse Button/G
L1 (PS2) or L2 (PS3)

Used to draw and holster guns, as well as to keep a lock on a specific target.

Fire Weapon

Left Mouse/H
R1 (PS2) or R2 (PS3)

This makes Lara draw weapon, target the nearest enemy and fire. If you hold down the fire button, Lara will shoot continuously. Be careful when doing this with weapons other than the pistols, as you will quickly run through precious ammunition.


Caps Lock
R2 (PS2) or R1 (PS3)
Z + (+)

Aim using the Target Lock key or Manual/Precision Aim and then press this key to throw a sticky grenade. (See Combat, below.)



Not available in Underworld. (See Combat and PDA/Inventory, below.)

Change Weapon

D-Pad Right
D-Pad Right

Press to swap between the pistols and secondary weapon. To change secondary weapons, use the Weapon Selection screen in the PDA. (For more info on this and individual weapons, see Combat and PDA/Inventory, below. The On-Screen Display shows which weapon is currently selected.)

Change Target

Right Mouse Button/G
Right Analog Stick
Right Analog Stick
Wii Remote

When fighting multiple enemies, press Target Lock to lock onto the enemy Lara is nearest or most directly facing. To change targets, release Target Lock, point the camera toward the new target and press and hold Target Lock again. On the PS3 or Xbox 360, when locked on, flick right stick left or right to target the next available enemy. On the Wii, release Target Lock, use the Wii remote to point the targeting reticle at the new enemy and press and hold Target Lock again.

Manual/Precision Aim

Right Stick Button (R3)
Right Stick Button (R3)
Wii Remote

Note that on the consoles this involves clicking the right thumb stick (i.e., pressing it inward like a button). Manual or Precision Aim is used for stationary targets or distant enemies. Press this key to enter manual aim view, center the targeting reticle on the enemy or object. The reticle turns red if the enemy is within range, though you can still hit some of the time when the reticle is gray. Press Fire Weapon or Grenade. Press Manual Aim again to return to normal view. On the Wii, whenever Lara has weapons drawn, you can use the Wii remote to aim. No special button is required.

Recover after knock-down

Space Bar

If an enemy knocks Lara off her feet, quickly and repeatedly tap Jump to spring back into action.

Evasive Leap & Roll

Right Mouse/G + W/A/S/D + Space or Ctrl
L2 + Left Stick + X or Circle
LT + Left Stick + A or B
Z + Control Stick + A/(-)

During combat, when locked on to a target, jump or roll in any direction to evade the enemy.
New in Underworld: The evasive roll also works underwater.

Melee Attack/
Brush Off/Stomp
Weapon of Opportunity


New in Underworld: When Lara is standing close to an enemy, press Interact to kick. For small enemies like spiders, press Interact repeatedly to brush them off and/or stomp on them. Lara can also use objects in the environment, such as wooden poles, as weapons. Press Interact to swing them at nearby targets. (See Combat, below.)

Jump Kick

W/A/S/D + Interact
Left Stick + Triangle
Left Stick + Y

New in Underworld: Run toward an enemy and press Interact to perform a flying kick.

Enemy Vault

Right Mouse/G + W/A/S/D + Space
L2 + Left Stick + X
LT + Left Stick + A

New in Underworld: While targeting an enemy by holding Target Lock, run toward him/it and press Jump to use the enemy as a springboard. This can knock down or disorient enemies and put some distance between them and Lara.

Adrenaline Headshot

Right Mouse/G + Q...Mouse...Left Mouse/H
L2 + Square...Right Stick...R2
LT + Left Stick + X

New in Underworld: This special move can only be used when Lara's adrenaline meter becomes full (see On-Screen Display below). When that happens, press and hold Target Lock to keep a single enemy targeted. Move close to the enemy and press Grapple. Lara jumps toward the enemy and rebounds off, as in the Enemy Vault maneuver. Time slows, the screen blurs slightly, and two targeting reticles appear on the screen. Use the mouse or right stick to aim the small, red reticle inside the gray ring on the enemy's head. When the gray ring turns red as well, then fire. A successful hit results in an instant kill, regardless of the enemy's size.
This tutorial video includes step-by-step visual instructions.
NOTES: If you're having trouble with this because the aiming reticle controls are inverted (i.e., left/right and up/down are reversed), this can be changed in the Game Options menu under View Axis.

focused Fire

Right Mouse/G + Z + Left Mouse/H
L2 + R3 + R2
LT + R3 + RT

New in Underworld: This special move can only be used when Lara's adrenaline meter is at least partially full (see On-Screen Display below). When that happens, press and hold Target Lock to keep a single enemy targeted. Then press Manual/Precision Aim. The screen blurs slightly as time slows for the enemy, allowing Lara to fire more rapidly for a short while.



Control Pad Up

When Lara is swimming underwater, press Jump to swim toward the surface. On the Wii, press Up on the control pad while steering Lara with the stick.


Left Shift
Control Pad Down

When Lara is swimming underwater or on the surface, press Crouch (B on the Wii) to dive deeper. Note that tapping Crouch just briefly will move Lara downward just a bit—handy when trying to reach an object or lever underwater. Hold the button to continue swimming downward. On the Wii, press Down on the control pad while steering Lara with the stick.


Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

Use direction keys/buttons (or Left Stick) to swim on the surface or underwater. Or just press Forward and move the camera (with the mouse or right stick) to steer Lara. Combine with Surface/Dive to move up and down underwater.

Swim Faster


While swimming using the direction keys/buttons or left stick, press Sprint to go faster. In the Wii game, shake nunchuk repeatedly to make Lara swim faster.

Exit Water

Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

To climb out of the water, swim toward the edge and keep pressing Forward (or whatever direction Lara is facing) and she'll automatically climb out if the edge is low enough.

Swan Dive

W/A/S/D + Space + Ctrl
Left Stick + X + Circle
Left Stick + A + B
Control Stick + A + (-)

To swan dive off a high cliff or ledge into water, start moving forward toward the edge and then press Jump followed immediately by Crouch. Lara can also swan dive on dry land, as long as the drop is not too far. She'll hit the ground, tuck and roll.

Evasive Dodge

Right Mouse/G + W/A/S/D + Ctrl
L2 + Left Stick + Circle
LT + Left Stick + B

This is the same as the evasive roll on land, but it works just as well to dodge sharks underwater.

All-Terrain Motorbike



Same as Interact.


H/Left Mouse
LB or RB

Lara can shoot with one pistol while riding. In the Wii game, there's a gun mounted on the bike.


D-Pad Left
D-Pad Left

Same as the Utility Light (above).




Left Stick
Left Stick
Control Stick

Brake/Power Slide

A or B

You can slow or stop the bike by pressing Reverse (above). This separate Brake key stops the bike and, if you press it firmly, let you skid to a stop in a stylish Power Slide. It is also used in the combo maneuvers listed below.

Fast Start/Speed Burst/

Space + W
Circle + R2
B + RT
(+) + Z

While standing still, hold the Brake button and rev the engine by pressing and holding Forward. Release the brake to speed forward. This is useful when you need to use a ramp to jump across an obstacle but don't have the space for a long run-up. It also gives you extra power for running over enemies.

Donut/Fast Turn

Space + W + A/D
Circle + R2 + Left Stick
B + RT + Left Stick
Z + (+) + Left Stick

Begin by doing a Fast Start (above). As you accelerate, steer to the left or right to do a Donut. Or, while moving along at speed, press the Brake key and steer to the left or right to do a Fast Turn.


Players who are not accustomed to this control scheme should note that Lara now moves relative to the camera. For example, if she is facing left and you press Forward she will turn and run away from you, not to the left (i.e., she moves forward based on where the camera is pointing). Similarly, if Lara is climbing and you want her to jump in a certain direction, you must press the direction key (or stick) in the desired direction on screen plus the Jump key (e.g., Back + Jump makes her jump toward you, regardless of which way she's facing before she jumps). When walking or running, it may help to 'steer' Lara by pointing the camera in the direction you want her to go, using the mouse or right analog stick. Then just press Forward to move her. When jumping or doing grapple maneuvers, it may help to tap the Center Camera key first to move the camera behind Lara. Then the camera's right, left, forward and back are the same as hers. This doesn't work in some tight places, but it usually does the trick.

In the Nintendo Wii game, the camera is controlled with the Wii Remote or the Control Pad. Press and Hold C and move the Wii Remote to control the camera angle, or use the Control Pad to move the camera. To center the camera behind Lara, tap C and release.

If you're playing on the PC, you may want to reassign the keyboard controls to make them more comfortable for you, or try a PC-compatible gamepad. I use a regular, wired Xbox 360 console controller, but there are many other types that will work.

NOTE: If you are playing the PC game, you must download and install the Tomb Raider: Underworld PC Patch in order to remap the mouse buttons or use the 'Center Camera' control.


Tomb raider underworld mods

When gameplay resumes after reloading, when you draw weapons, or whenever Lara is injured, whether in combat or from falling, fire, etc., the on-screen display appears at the top left corner of the screen. This display includes two Lara-shaped silhouettes. The larger one on the left is the health meter. The smaller silhouette on the right is the adrenaline meter or breath meter. The on-screen display also shows the currently equipped weapon, along with the number of rounds in the current clip. Below that are icons showing the number of sticky grenades remaining. All are explained in detail below.

The on-screen display also includes a small, grayish icon at the bottom left of the screen. This appears when you change weapons, pick up or use a health pack, turn the Utility Light on or off, or activate the Field Camera. It serves no real purpose except to show the number of health packs remaining, which can also be seen in the PDA.


When the health meter is green or blue and the vertical bar next to it is full, Lara has 100% health. If she is injured, the silhouette turns yellow, orange, then red, as the bar is gradually depleted. If the meter is red and Lara takes additional damage, she'll die.


There are four ways to restore Lara's health: (1) Use a health pack. These are available as item pickups in most levels. (2) Wait. Lara heals gradually over time. She won't regain full health, but if she has only suffered minor damage, you shouldn't waste a health pack. (3) Save and reload. If you can reach the next autosave checkpoint (see saving/loading and checkpoints, below), you can then save manually and reload to restore Lara to full health. (4) Find a relic.

Locating any of the hidden relics in the game restores Lara to full health and increases her maximum health permanently. These are either cleverly hidden or require you to complete some sort of trial in order to reach them. Each time Lara picks up one of these golden orbs, the smaller health bar to the left of the large silhouette increases a bit, indicating that she is now able to take more damage. At the same time, her current health is raised to the new maximum. There are six relics in all. Finding all of them effectively doubles Lara's maximum health. (NOTE: The walkthrough tells how to find all relics. Finding all six relics also unlocks the Lara concept art in the Extras menu. See the Underworld Rewards page for more info.)

Health packs are available in every level, either in the form of first aid kits or health potions (a.k.a., natural remedies). There is no limit to the number of health packs Lara can carry; however, Lara's inventory is reset at the start of each new level. So don't bother hoarding health packs, except in the later levels, where you may need them toward the end for more difficult encounters.

Tomb Raider Underworld Fly Mode

There are no health items or relics in the Nintendo Wii game. Lara heals automatically over time and she heals faster and more completely than in the PC/PS3/Xbox game.


There is no separate inventory section in Underworld. Instead items, weapons and ammo are tracked in Lara's PDA. To access the PDA press Tab (PC), Select (PS3), Back (Xbox 360) or 1 (Wii). The PDA includes seven sub menus:

  • Sonar Map: A rough 3-D schematic of the current area, showing basic features like hills, walls, caves, etc. It can also help locate the motorbike if you lose it. Follow the on-screen instructions to adjust the map view.
  • Area Info: An overview of the number of treasures and relics available and the number you've found so far. (For more about these, see the Underworld Rewards page.)
  • Weapon Selection: Use this to view available secondary weapons and select the one you want. (See Weapons/Ammunition, below.)
  • Inventory: Includes sub-menus for backpack (includes health and puzzle items), gear (detailed descriptions of the gear Lara is currently carrying), weapons (detailed descriptions of Lara's arsenal), and treasures (includes relics as well).
    You cannot use health packs or other items directly from the PDA. Instead press the Use Medipack key (V on the PC, D-Pad Up on the PS3 or Xbox) to heal. To use items, approach the spot where they are needed in the game and press Interact.
  • Field Assistance: Provides in-game hints.
  • Journal: Details Lara's thoughts and theories on the people, places and items she encounters. These are updated throughout the game as the story unfolds.
  • Revisit Location: This option is grayed out and inaccessible until you've beaten the game the first time. After that, if you begin a new game in Treasure Hunt mode, it enables you to switch between levels. (In order to start a new game, you must first delete your previous saves. For more info about this, see the Underworld Rewards page.)


There are no weapon or ammunition pickups in Underworld. Lara starts each level with the same selection of weapons and a finite amount of ammo for each, except for the pistols, which never run out of bullets. The exact number of rounds you get varies depending on the difficulty level you choose. Once the ammo for a particular weapon is gone, that's it until the next level, when Lara's supplies are replenished.

NOTE: You can work around this to some extent using Player Tailoring (below), which can temporarily increase the amount of ammo for the secondary weapons.

The Nintendo Wii game works slightly differently. There the secondary weapons are limited to specific ones in each level. These are covered in the walkthrough.

To switch between pistols and secondary weapon, press the Change Weapon key (R on the PC, D-Pad Right on the PS3 or Xbox, + on the Wii). To change which secondary weapon is equipped, open the PDA (above) and make your choice in the Weapon Selection sub-menu. There is no manual reload function in Underworld either. Lara reloads automatically as needed or whenever you release and re-press Target Lock. When she runs out of ammo for the secondary weapon, she automatically switches to pistols. Lara also carries sticky grenades in every level. These are covered in the table below.

Lara's arsenal is described in detail in the Inventory section of the PDA, but here are a few notes of my own:






Lara carries her default pistols throughout the game. These fire continuously when you hold down the fire button. They aren't too powerful but they never run out of ammo. Be sure to switch back to pistols whenever heavy firepower isn't needed (e.g., shooting weak enemies, inanimate objects, etc.) to conserve ammo for the more powerful weapons. When used with special techniques like the adrenaline headshot or focused fire, they're just as good as the more powerful guns.
New in Underworld: Can target multiple enemies at once or shoot single-handed while climbing. In the PC/PS3/Xbox 360 game, pistols now work underwater.



Powerful and fast. Like the pistols, the SMGs are capable of sustained fire when you hold down the fire button. Convenient when fighting powerful enemies, especially in close quarters where maneuverability is required, but runs through ammo very quickly.
New in Underworld: Can target multiple enemies at once or shoot single-handed while climbing.



Powerful at close range but somewhat unwieldy to aim and slow to reload. Not effective from more than a few feet away. Also, Lara isn't as maneuverable during combat when holding this weapon. Can knock down some enemies, giving Lara time to move away or finish them off before they can attack.



Powerful medium-range weapon. Convenient when fighting powerful enemies or taking out enemies at a distance, e.g., with Manual/Precision Aim (above), but expends ammunition quickly if you're not careful.



One dart will knock out a medium or large size enemy for about a minute, enabling you to run away or deal with other enemies nearby. Tranquilized foes cannot be targeted normally, but you can still hit them using Manual/Precision Aim (above). Tranquilizer darts do not work on undead enemies.



Generally the best choice for underwater combat, but also works on land. Especially useful against giant spiders. The spears penetrate their hard shells and can flip them over, preventing them from knocking Lara off her feet. Its main disadvantages are slow reload time and limited ammo.



Not available until late in the game, Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, is by far the most powerful weapon in the game. To avoid spoilers here, its uses and features are covered in the walkthrough.



When thrown, these explosives stick to enemies or other surfaces. Consequently, you should be careful throwing them at moving targets, since they can carry Lara's own explosives back to her. Use of grenades is covered in the Combat section of the table above. Note that with Manual/Precision Aim (above), you can target an inanimate object, like an explosive tank, or a wall near a group of enemies with excellent results.



Lara's all-terrain motorbike can also be a deadly weapon. Using it to kill enemies is covered in the Motorcycle section of the table above.



Hand-to-hand combat and weapons of opportunity are also covered under Combat in the table above.

*AMMUNITION: This is the number of rounds available at the start of each level based on easy/medium/hard difficulty level. Once you run out of ammo for each secondary weapon, you'll have to wait until the next level to resupply.


When you start the game the first time, you will be prompted to choose a from three difficulty settings: Casual Explorer (easy), Tomb Raider (normal) or Master Survivalist (hard). This affects several aspects of gameplay: Lara's health (the easier the setting, the more damage she can take), enemy health (easier setting means they're easier to kill), available ammo (see chart above), and time to make saving grabs (easier setting means longer window of opportunity).

If you find the game—or certain sections of it—to be too easy or too hard, you can adjust the difficulty level on the fly, using Player Tailoring in the 'Game Options' menu. This sub-menu allows you to change any of the four aspects described above independently, including available ammo.



Each level includes numerous checkpoints. Every time Lara passes a checkpoint, the game is autosaved. If Lara dies, the game automatically reloads at the previous checkpoint. If you quit the game and return later, just click the Resume Game option at the center of the main menu to reload the last autosave.

You can also save or reload manually from the main menu, which is displayed when you pause gameplay (by pressing Escape on the PC, the 2 button on the Wii, or Start on the other consoles). Once the game is paused, select Save Game on the left, then scroll down on the right side of the screen to the save slot you want to use and press Enter (PC), X (PS3) or A (Xbox/Wii). Then highlight the 'OK' option and press Enter/X/A again to save.

Note that you must click on the 'OK' option (PC) or push the control stick to the left to select 'OK' (consoles) since 'No' is selected by default to prevent accidental overwriting. I found this a little confusing because the menu's color scheme makes it look like 'OK' is highlighted when it's not. When you do it correctly, you'll see a confirmation message saying the save was successful.

To load your last autosave, click the Resume Game option at the center of the main menu. To load a previous manual save, select Load Game on the left side of the main menu. Then select the save you want from the list on the right and press Enter, X or A again to load it.

Most versions of the game also automatically create level-start autosaves when you begin each new level. In order to enable this feature in the Windows PC game, you must download and install the version 1.1 PC patch. You can find these autosaves in the Save Game and Load Game sections of the main menu, along with your other saves.

Although you can save anywhere, reloading a saved game places Lara at the previous checkpoint. For PC players, who are accustomed to unlimited saves, this takes some getting used to, but it has the advantage of preventing you from saving as Lara is about to die. I strongly recommend saving manually at least a few times in each level. Then if you miss an important pickup, decide to do something differently or encounter a bug in the game, you can choose from several saves instead of being stuck with only the autosave. This can prevent you from having to replay an entire level if you miss a treasure or to run into a glitch.

The checkpoint system can also help conserve health packs. If Lara's health is low, try and make it to the next checkpoint. Once you've passed it and the game autosaves, either kill her, quit the game, or save the game manually and then reload. When the game resumes, Lara has full health without using a single health pack.

This site includes a collection of Windows PC, Nintendo Wii and some PlayStation 3 save files for download. There are instructions for using them linked to that page, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Underworld Walkthrough | Main Page

UPDATE HISTORY: 12/29/08 - Page first posted online.
12/30/08 - Added the Wii multi-tool, which I overlooked in the first draft.
1/1/09 - Fixed typo in the PC controls for roll, thanks to Jim R. Also noted that the Wii controls cannot be remapped.
1/7/09 - Fixed a few typos and mixed-up controls for the Xbox 360 game and added the controls for shooting while riding the motorbike, which I had forgotten.
10/19/09 - Added headshot tutorial video.
7/2/10 - Added link to H4RR7H's acrobatics tutorial video.
8/18/10 - Fixed a mistake in the motorbike controls. (The mouse cannot be used to steer; it just controls the camera.)
9/24/11 - Updated the section on saving/loading and checkpoints to hopefully make things a little clearer.
11/24/13 - Fixed PlayStation combat controls. Thanks to iAbdalltif for the corrections.
1/1/16 - Fixed error regarding control customization, thanks to a tip from Corethra. Apparently this is only possible in the PC version.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Special thanks to Gerry N. for the Xbox 360 controls.

Copyright © 1998- Stellalune. All rights reserved. Feel free to link to this page but do not copy it. To give me your feedback, send email to or visit The name and likeness of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider screenshots and the Tomb Raider name and logos are copyright © Square Enix, Ltd. All rights reserved.

PC & Macintosh Tomb Raider Cheat Codes

Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of these games, but as far as I know the Mac codes are the same for all games. All cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the default control configuration. If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.

Macintosh Users: If you're using the numeric keypad controls and are having trouble with these cheats, try doing them with the regular arrow keys. (Thanks to Sue for this info.)


TR PC Flight Patch - This unofficial patch allows Lara to fly in TR2, 3 and 4. does not support this patch. Use it at your own risk. (Download)

PC & Mac Savegame Files: An alternative to cheat codes is to download a save file from just beyond the spot where you're stuck.

PC Savegame and Position Editors - Edit your save files for TR1-5 to add weapons, items, health, change Lara's status (air, on fire), or reposition her anywhere in a level. For details, see the Savegame Editors page.

TOMB RAIDER 1 & GOLD (including Unfinished Business Expansion)

Level Skip: Walk one step forward, one step back, release walk and turn around three times in either direction (left or right arrow), then jump forward (Alt + up arrow).

All-Weapons & Ammo: Walk one step forward, one back, release walk and turn around three times in either direction (left or right arrow), then back flip (Alt + down arrow). (NOTE: This cheat does not give medipaks. You can use a savegame editor to add extra medipaks.

Alternatively, beat the game and then, without quitting, start a new game. You should then have all weapons and ammo.


NOTE: These codes also work on the iOS version of Tomb Raider 2.

Level Skip: Light a flare (/ key), then walk one step forward, walk one step back, turn around three times in either direction, then jump forward.

All Weapons & Ammo: Light a flare (/ key), then walk one step forward, walk one step back, turn around three times in either direction, then back flip. This cheat also provides extra medipaks. (Note that this cheat does not work in the last level, Home Sweet Home.)

Alternatively, beat the game and then, without quitting, start a new game. You should then have all weapons and ammo.

Exploding Lara: Execute either of the cheats above without a flare in Lara's hand. Not a pretty sight, believe me.


IMPORTANT:Do not use the trick of beating the game and then starting a new game to get all weapons and ammo. This will work, but it can result in a bug in which some or all of the middle locations (Nevada, South Pacific and London) are skipped. As far as I know, this doesn't happen in the Lost Artifact sequel.

Level Skip: Draw PISTOLS.* Walk one step back, one step forward, crouch, release crouch, turn around three times and immediately jump forward.

All Weapons & Ammo: Draw PISTOLS.* Walk one step back, one step forward, crouch, release crouch, turn around three times in either direction and immediately back flip. This cheat also provides medipaks.

*In the PC game, you may be able to do the level-skip and all-wapons cheats without drawing pistols, but using weapons other than the pistols will cause Lara to explode. If you're using the numeric keypad controls and are having trouble with these cheats, try doing them with the regular arrow keys.

Useful Ammo Glitch: This useful bug allows you to fire powerful ammo, like grenades or rockets, using rapid-fire weapons like the MP5 or harpoon gun. Basically it works with all the weapons Lara holds using both hands and cannot use while crouching—so all except the pistols, Uzis and Desert Eagle.

  1. If you already have the two weapons you want to combine, you can skip to the next step. Otherwise, use the all-weapons cheat (above) first.
  2. Select any weapon that Lara cannot use while crouching. Then holster it so Lara will be able to crouch.
  3. Press and hold the Crouch + Forward + Draw/Holster weapons buttons simultaneously (i.e., Period + Up + Spacen).
  4. Lara should crouch and then go through a jerky set of motions in which she gets down on one knee, then all fours, then back on one knee while gradually creeping forward. Continue holding these buttons until the weapon on Lara's back disappears. Then release the controls and let her stand up. You'll see she's now holding the normally two-handed weapon in one hand with her arms at her sides.
  5. Select another gun—again, not the pistols, Uzis or Desert Eagle, as these will simply cause her to switch to those weapons. The first gun will now fire the second gun's ammo. So, for example, if you equip the MP5 in step 2 then the rocket launcher in step 4, the MP5 will rapidly fire rockets.

If you'd like to see it done, check out this short video waltkhrough. Thanks to Serious Hat for sharing this amazing discovery.

Tomb Raider Underworld Cheats


Tomb Raider Underworld Review

IMPORTANT: Many people have emailed to say that these cheats don't work. It may have to do with some systems not accepting multiple alphanumeric keys at the same time. If they don't work for you, consider using a savegame editor to add extra weapons or ammo. Or, if you're trying to skip a level, you could download a saved game instead.

If you have trouble making Lara face exactly north, see the note after the cheats.

Level Skip: Use the compass to position Lara facing exactly north.** Then escape to the inventory screen. Highlight the Load Game icon (stone tablet). Press and hold the keys H E L P for a moment or, if that doesn't work, press and hold S K I P. (This is not case sensitive, but you do need to hold all the keys down together.) Then exit the menu by pressing Escape.

If this doesn't work for you exactly as written, try this: After pressing and holding the H E L P or S K I P keys, enter the load menu, then exit the pressing menu and return to the game. You should then skip to the next level. (Thanks to almayah for this tip.)

All Items (includes ammo & medipaks): Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Then escape to the inventory screen. Highlight the small medipak icon but don't select it. Press and hold the keys G U N S for a moment. (This is not case sensitive, but you do need to hold all the keys down together.) Then exit the menu by pressing Escape.

All Weapons: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Then do the All Items cheat (above). Exit inventory by pressing Escape but continue facing north. Open inventory again, highlight the large medipak icon but don't select it. Press and hold the keys W E A P O N S for a moment. (This is not case sensitive, but you do need to hold all the keys down together.) Exit the menu by pressing Escape.

(**NOTE ON FACING NORTH: The compass is on the inventory screen. When Lara is facing due North, the red point on the needle points directly to 'N' and the compass needle turns transparent—at least it does on the consoles and on most PC video cards. If you're having trouble positioning her, find a ledge or block that runs east to west and grab the edge from the south side. Then either let go or climb up and Lara should be facing north. If you find that facing north doesn't work, you might try facing EAST instead. I had an email from one raider who says this worked for him with the PC all-weapons cheat.)


IMPORTANT: No, you're not hallucinating. There is no compass in TR Chronicles. So any cheat that directs you to face due north is incorrect. Please feel free to send in additional cheats, but to the best of my knowledge, these are the only PC/Macintosh cheats.

Unlimited Small medipaks: First, you may want to save your game in a new slot before trying this in case it doesn't work. Second, make sure Lara's health bar is less than 100% full AND that you only have 1 small medipak in your inventory. (Use any extra medipaks and then drop from a height or do something else to make Lara lose a little health.) Now escape to inventory and highlight the small medipak item. Press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 0 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the small medipak change from '1x small medipack' to 'small medipack.' Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read 'Unlimited small medipacks.'

Unlimited Large medipaks: Follow the instructions for unlimited small medipaks above, except make sure that Lara's health bar is not full and that you only have 1 large medipak in inventory. Select the large medipak in the inventory ring, press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 9 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under the large medipak change from '1x large medipack' to 'large medipack.' Press Enter, as if to use the medipak, and Lara should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read 'Unlimited large medipacks.'

Level Skip: To the best of my knowledge, there is no level-skip cheat for PC or Mac. If you're stuck and the walkthrough doesn't solve the problem, try downloading a savegame file.


I'm not aware of any of the usual PC/Mac cheat codes for this game. However, there are trainers you can download and detailed instructions for entering command line parameters, including all-weapons, flying and god mode. provides the most detail, so please visit them to download trainers or read detailed command line instructions.

Or, if you are stuck and just want to get past a certain spot, you can download a savegame file.


There are also several useful bugs that work on all systems. These are described on the TR6 Cheats page.


Tomb Raider Underworld Fly Mode Download

As far as I know, the PC cheat codes for Legend do not work on Macintosh systems, though you're welcome to try. Otherwise, the codes are similar for all platforms. Please see the Legend Cheats page. Legend save files for PC are here.

Tomb Raider Underworld Pc


As far as I know, the PC cheat codes for Anniversary do not work on Macintosh systems, though you're welcome to try. Otherwise, the codes are similar for all platforms. Please see the Anniversary Cheats page. Anniversary save files for PC are here.


As far as I know, the PC cheat codes for Legend do not work on Macintosh systems, though you're welcome to try.

Bulletproof Lara:
PC Function: Hold Target Lock and press Jump, Fire, Interact, Fire, Grapple, Sprint
Default PC Keys: Hold Right Mouse Button/G and press Space, Left Mouse Button/H, E, Left Mouse Button/H, Q, Shift
Windows Xbox360 controller: Hold LT and press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y
One-Shot Kill:
PC Function: Hold Target Lock and press Interact, Jump, Interact, Grapple, Sprint, Crouch
Default PC Keys: Hold Right Mouse Button/G and press E, Space, E, Q, Shift, Ctrl
Windows Xbox360 controller: Hold LT and press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y
Show Enemy Health:
PC Function: Hold Target Lock and press Grapple, Crouch, Jump, Sprint, Fire, Interact
Default PC Keys: Hold Right Mouse Button/G and press Q, Ctrl, Space, Shift, Left Mouse Button/H, E
Windows Xbox360 controller: Hold LT and press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y
In each case, if you enter the code correctly, a chime sounds.

Thanks to Taylor and RG for sharing the Underworld info and Laracroftswest, who apparently made the original discovery that some of the Legend cheat codes work in this game. For more info on how the codes work and links to the forum threads where these discoveries were first posted, please visit RG's Tomb Raider Fan Site.

Return to the cheats page or the main page

Walkthrough text and related diagrams copyright © 1998- Stellalune. All rights reserved. Feel free to link to this page but do not copy it. To give me your feedback, send email to or visit The name and likeness of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider screenshots and the Tomb Raider name and logos are copyright © Square Enix, Ltd. All rights reserved.